Traditional Services (Computer Guy 2.0)

Yes, we offer the types of services you’d expect from a Computer Guy. . .

  • Remote Access Options/Virtual Private Networks
  • Wireless Networks and Wireless Security
  • Product Procurement, Research, & Sourcing
  • Network Design and Implementation
  • Server Configuration and Deployment
  • Firewall Implementation and Management
  • System and Security Updates
  • Server and PC Repairs
  • Email Server Configuration and Deployment
  • Helpdesk
  • Monitoring
  • Cabling & Telecom

Unlike many Computer Guys, we can move you forward.  Ten years ago firms like ours helped you migrate from your individual desktops to your server.  To grow, you faced hardware, software  and support costs.

The good news:  now, taking the next step does NOT require $1,000s in hardware and software.  You’ve likely heard about “the cloud,” Google Apps, software as a service, Skype, etc., etc.  These are what are taking companies like yours into the future; no-cost and low-cost services and digital tools that provide amazing functionality.

The bottom line, there’s no reason (no financial reason) to not move forward with your technology.

Moving You Forward (Computer Guy 3.0)

Next Level IT Services (Computer Guy 3.0)
  • Cloud Based Computing
  • Virtualization
  • Social Networking
  • Health Care IT
  • EMR (Electronic medical record)
  • Google Apps (Cloud based services)
  • Google Adwards
  • Skype
  • VOIP
  • Microsoft BPOS (Cloud based services)
  • Geographically independent offices (Home & Remote Office / Remote Location)
  • Network Security
  • Email Security
  • Data Protection
  • Data and Email Archiving

Contact Us

We offer a free, 2-hour evaluation of your current technology capabilities and future goals.  We can show you how easy an inexpensive it is to take the next step with your technology.