Delivering on the Promise of Technology for Small Businesses

About Us

Yes, we fix computers, we’re “computer guys.”  But that’s not our final destination, it’s our point of departure.  Because more and more, technology and marketing are joined at the hip.

We are the ones who stick around and help you make things work and work together.  With your technology AND with your marketing.

We have been passionately tinkering with technology since punch cards, professionally helping business owners make better technology decisions since 1989 and developing and implementing marketing programs for small business since 1980.

John Webster

Security Expert

I’ll focus on what you want to accomplish, not on the technology.  I’ll talk to you in plain English.  And I know an awful lot about computers and technology.

Hamilton Wallace

Marketing Expert

I help small business owners grow sales via improved strategy and more consistent implementation.  Online and off. For both products and services.  Business-to-business and business-to-consumer. 

Leaving IBM, an MBA, years in the trenches of small business marketing and almost 30 years as a small business marketing consultant… .and now here we are, you and I.

Our Clients

Here are just a few of our valued clients: